The “red thread” of our trips is the topic of youth. The exchange programs with our international partner organizations create new networks – both for professionals in youth-organizations and for journalists. Since the trips are partly co-financed by the German Federal Ministry of Youth (BMFSFJ), some of the focal points of our talks, research and interviews are more precisely defined.
In addition, we offer press trips with tourism partners, where journalists can inform themselves about youth cultures, regional youth destinations, youth media or integration projects.
Overview Info-Trips Info-Trip Inquiry
For questions about info-trips, please contact: Jörg Wild –
Our cooperation countries at a glance:





Northern Macedonia

We make our own contributions to the education and further training of youth welfare specialists and (junior) journalists who deal with youth topics. Public relations for the young generation is our keyword – a field of topics in constant and always dramatic change.
More Info about our workshops and educational offers:
Jörg Wild –
Once a year and upon request of youth-organizations, we offer workshops in the fields of our professional knowledge.


Social media workshop

radio workshop

bicycle media workshop

writing workshop

Consulting of (youth) editorial offices
Announcements & Reports
Our Workshops:
Go to Blog / Category: WorkshopsService
The PNJ link list offers a look to youth media and youth-organizations from all areas and democratic interest-fields of Germany. The PNJ link list with innumerable hand-picked information sorted by topic is a service for targeted searches or simply to browse through.
Important Dates
Our repertoire also includes specialized consulting services for public relations work at youth events and support of youth editorial office. We are happy to get involved and help with all our experience.More about our Services:
Jörg Wild –